Snow, snow and more snow, with a follow up of freezing rain. How nice. Our big concern now will be losing power or flooding as this snow will begin to leave Sunday with temps up as high as 44° F-- after a high of 24° F Saturday.
Fast melt not good when you have 12" of snow.
Snow coating every tree and branch, when followed by freezing rain, may break branches.
No traffic on road. Wonder why.
I'm happily ensconced at my computer starting the novella that will follow the story in When Fates Conspire with some of the same characters, more of a romance, this time of an older couple, and a battle of evil against good. Should be fun. Definitely good until the power goes out. Luckily that's why we have a generator out here ;)
as long as the hay doesn't run out, they don't mind
Right now, the article below is particularly funny to me. One of my books was recently slammed by an English teacher saying I didn't have enough commas. She said she taught her students to use a comma everywhere you would pause naturally in reading as it would lead to more clarity. And then along comes this article.
I wouldn't go so far as to say no longer but what I was taught back in my own high school years, when we did diagramming of sentences, certainly didn't fit what the teacher told me should be done now. We were taught--
Comma sets off clause not needed for clarity of sentence.
Commas set off opening clauses like those starting with if or when.
No comma for an ending clause.
Comma between two sentences joined by a conjunction.
Comma to set off parenthetical elements.
Comma between contrasting elements (which I would have thought used a semi-colon-- but they are also thought no longer needed by some because a few misuse them.
Comma separating identical words.
Comma setting of direct address-- Sonny, get out of my way!
Oh wait, some don't like exclamation points either.
When writers are going to be dinged by reviewers for using improper grammar, it might help to know what is proper-- except who decides that!
The snowflakes are really large this morning which I guess means snow, ice, snow... what a sandwich. Did that need a comma?