Wednesday, November 20, 2013

There's a lot going on

Launching a new book in a little over a week and receiving the final paperback copies (after more than a couple of proofs) of the book that came before it, has been an interesting juxtaposition of energies. The funny part is, and this probably isn't unusual for writers, I have several other things going on at the same time to the point I don't quite know where to put my own energy.

We bought ten copies of the paperback in order to show it to independent bookstores with the original idea they might like to carry the books on consignment but also because several friends indicated they would like paper copies. I learned that this particular book will cost a friend $8.87 as we will sell to them at our cost for the book, shipping to us, and then mailing the book to the friend.

I was in shock of how much books mailings have gone up. I remember when the Post Office offered a really cheap rate for books-- it's still less than any other package but no way is it cheap as it was. And UPS is even worse. It'd make it a joke to mail it to someone with the idea of saving them money from Amazon's price.

Amazon (if the buyer had free shipping through Prime or enough orders), currently (as in today) has Arizona Sunset listed at $10.08 except we actually said it should retail at $11.95 which, as best I can tell, they have never ever sold it at. They say any bookstore would have to sell it at retail but they don't. Sound complicated yet?

I am not sure if bookstores could really sell it at $11.95 and have any profit; so they might not be possible and that's mostly due to shipping costs as the book itself only ran $5.07 but you can't leave out the shipping unless a person could pick them up where they are created. I am thinking shorter books may work better in the paperback as this is a long one which makes it more costly to buy and ship. Numbers we got numbers...

At the same time of trying to figure out how to promote that paperback, I am getting ready for its sequel (kind of), Tucson Moon. I did a video to discuss the new book but haven't posted that yet. If someone liked Arizona Sunset, I think they'd like Tucson Moon as it does carry on the lead characters who now become secondary. More coming on it during the next week which is a busy one.

Going along with that has been beginning writing on my fourth Oregon historical, none of which are out, but the new book is much on my mind as I get a better handle on its characters.

When I started to record the discussion of Tucson Moon, I realized I was actually starting a discussion of the book that will be called Love Waits-- and it does have to wait its turn. I stopped that discussion and made my mind go where it needed to be. Fortunately I had earlier created Tucson Moon's book trailer which will be out a few days ahead of the book. I am not sure if the paperback will be the same time-- as that depends on the first proof which is on its way as I write this.

Besides the approaching holidays, adding to my personal angst, my much beloved, youngest cat had to be put down due to a terminal illness. I wrote more about that in my other blog and won't do it here; but if you have had pets and understand the love we have for them, to have a sweet, young cat take ill so suddenly sucks out a lot of emotional energy in accepting it's happening and then dealing with it.

So Arizona Sunset paperback and Kindle available, (two other paperbacks soon follow), and coming November 29th, Tucson Moon where Cord O'Brian (that family is in several of my contemporary books-- Desert Inferno, Evening Star, and Bannister's Way) is the hero who is about to learn about the many faces of love.