Sunday, November 10, 2013

Keta Diablo-- guest author

Diverse, award winning author, Keta Diablo is guesting today. She is sharing one of her historical books but also a review she did on Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird and how it inspired her.  I hope you enjoy both.

About Sky Tinted Water

Note: This is a ‘sweet’ historical romance
Malevolent schemes and passion collide in this sweet historical novel. Set in Minnesota during the Civil War and the Sioux uprising, this is the story of Rory Hudson, the exquisite Irish lass with an unbreakable spirit and the enigmatic Dawson Finch, a man bound by honor, duty and loyalty.
When Dawson enlists in the army to bring peace to nation divided, Rory’s world plummets into a tailspin. War, distance and time separate them, but nothing can dispel the haunting memories of their love. Not even death can destroy their fierce passion or a love so strong it beats the odds of the impossible.

Available Here:

Click on link above to visit my Amazon page

 A review of To Kill a Mockingbird 

A Sultry Childhood Journey . . . .

by Keta Diablo

The dictionary says sultry means to be hot with passion or to be capable of exciting strong sexual desire. But sultry can also mean sweltering or torrid.

Have you ever heard a word that reminds you of a certain time and place, almost like a Déjà vu? Whenever I hear the word sultry it reminds of one thing – To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I know, it’s an odd analogy. Most of the time sultry should remind one of steamed heat or perhaps conjure an image of Marilyn Monroe standing over a street vent, her short skirt billowing about her.

Not me. When I hear the word sultry I’m taken on a journey back to my childhood, seventh grade to be exact. That year, my teacher placed a copy of To Kill A Mockingbird on my desk with a simple note, “Read this. I hope it opens many doors for you.”

At the time, I thought it a strange note, but then Miss Holmquist was rather strange. (Picture a short, stout woman with flabby upper arms that jiggled when she worked the chalkboard).  Still, the woman piqued my interest with her odd message. How could books open doors? Why would I want to read about an old lawyer in a southern state I knew nothing about? And, what’s more, what kind of a man would name his children Jem and Scout?

I took the book home and several days passed before I opened it and read the first line, "When he was thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow." Hmm, this Ms. Harper Lee, whoever she is, has my attention now,” I said. Who is Jem and how did he break his arm?

From that moment I was hooked – mesmerized over the story, in awe over the character names, Boo Radley, Aunt Avery, Dill, Atticus, Calpurnia, and even the girl who was supposedly raped, Mayella. I’m still in awe of the plot, the personalities, and the vivid neighborhood descriptions.

So why does the word “sultry” remind me of To Kill A Mockingbird? Because for the first time in my life I realized that by simply turning the pages, I could feel the sultry heat, taste the prejudice and agonize over the hatred between black and white.

“So what did you discover in this book?” Miss Holmquist asked me two weeks later.  I didn’t know where to begin. Should I tell her about the rollercoaster of emotions I went through while reading? Do I dare ask her why the jury convicted Tom even though I prayed they wouldn’t? Or maybe I should tell her how brave Scout was when she diffused an explosive situation between Atticus and the old-timers of the town with a simple, “Hey there, Mr. Ewell, how’s your boy doing?”

I didn’t ask the questions, but I did tell her about every sentiment I felt. Mostly, I told her about the bitter taste in my mouth over a word called prejudice, and I told her I felt the hot, sultry sun of Maycomb County.

Some days, I wish I could go back to 7th grade and ask Miss Holmquist if she knew one day To Kill A Mockingbird would be one of the best-loved stories of all time, that it would earn many distinctions since its original publication in 1960. I’d ask her if she thought it would win the Pulitzer Prize one day and be translated into more than forty languages. And, “Miss Holmquist, do you think it will sell more than thirty million copies worldwide and be made into an enormously popular movie?”

You know, I think Miss Holmquist would have said, “Yes, I do think Miss Lee’s novel will achieve all those things and more, but the more importantaly, Keta, To Kill A Mockingbird will transport you to the sultry heat of the deep south and take you to places you never dreamed existed.”

I would say, “Thank you, Miss Holmquist.”

* * *
Keta Diablo writes erotic historical romance and paranormal/suspense romance. Her latest paranormal shifter novel Where The Rain Is Made has been nominated for a Bookie Award by Authors After Dark in the BEST enovel category. You can find out more about Where The Rain Is Made here (don’t forget to read the reviews):

You can find Keta on the Web at the following places:
The Stuff of Myth and Men,