Tuesday, August 20, 2013

*sigh* a sinus infection and...

Since I have been wrestling with a sinus infection this last week, my enthusiasm for anything has been pretty low. What I have accomplished is bordering on zero unless you count keeping water boiling for steam, checking out various sinus remedies and lying low to get rid of this irritant which I lay to the woodsmoke from fires in Southern Oregon as well as dusty air from all the farm work going on in the main valley. Our air won't be clear until sometime in September probably as that's the soonest we can expect real rains in my part of the Pacific Northwest.

I have done another editing for the book, Tucson Moon, that follows Arizona Sunset and will come out before Christmas also with Kindle and paperback versions. It has its own romance with some of the same characters only three years later.

While waiting to get the proof of the paperback version, I didn't feel like starting any big projects. I have done more work on creating cover, back cover, and spline for the paperbacks we hope to bring out eventually. We also bought 10 ISBNs which will not cover all my books but is a start.

Once the proof arrives, and it looks good (the first one had a flaw that was my own fault in the profile page), then we can set a date for the Kindle and paperback to be released-- hopefully the same time. It was interesting to see my first book in print but not really the thrill that some talk about. For me the thrill came with the first eBook because then for the first time my books were available for people to read. They were what took the effort to get shaped up and ready to be out there. The paperback was more of an accomplishment for my husband who is my publisher and thank goodness as the whole process would have me going crazy.

Writing a book basically is one step in a long, long process. My husband mentioned how many boxes of paper are up in our attic of various stages of my books. The only ones that interest me in looking at would be two short stories I wrote probably before I was twenty. The rest I'd just as soon burn as now the books are on computers, jump drives and memory cards. Which are a lot more permanent to my mind than those sheets of bond, finely typed paper in boxes which aren't very accessible even to me.

For anyone interested in creating their own paperback, I am very high on the process with CreateSpace, how they look it over, what they produce. They even had warned us on that image in the first Proof not being of good enough quality, but we didn't 'get it' until we saw it on the book. We now have a PDF file which would enable us to print these books other places but I don't think any would do a more professional job (from what we saw on the first proof) at such a reasonable price. I don't expect to sell a lot of paperbacks but I see the value as I mentioned in an earlier blog of this as one more part of the whole process-- rather like framing a painting as the last step.

While feeling so rocky, I did one more thing in creating a long trailer that will have a link in the back of both the Kindle and the paperback for readers, after finishing the books, to see images that inspired the words. I had roughly done one before but this is a final version with the correct cover. The trailer on YouTube will be out right ahead of the publication dates.