Monday, October 22, 2012

a romance with an edge

For the month of October, I reduced the price of Moon Dust to $.99. That will end with November 1, where it will go back to $2.99.  I wanted to mention it here again; so that anyone who hasn't read it can get it at the lower rate.

To keep the cover fresh; and because the cover I had didn't show as much of what the book was about as I wanted, I redid it. Now instead of the cover's emphasis on the heroine, it is on the hero who faces many of the more dangerous threats, both to his emotional and physical health.

In looking for a new cover, I created two.  The one above is not the one I used. I liked it a lot as it showed the strength of high school principal, Dane Connors who was working hard to get the best for the students in his school and facing up to some tough issues as well as in his personal life.

The story is set in Portland, Oregon but could be any big city across this country for the kinds of problems Dane's school was facing-- guns, bullying, budget crunches, gang activity, parents wanting to enforce their social and religious views onto the school, and in his case a very dangerous man leading a local militia group who felt threatened by Dane's invasive (as he saw it) educational ideas.Writing about our schools, the problems being faced there and having a high school principal for the hero made this book rewarding to research and write.

Dane's personal problems were also threatening his life as his wife of two years was divorcing him; something Dane had totally not been expecting. Her reasons for wanting a divorce went into areas he didn't want to explore from his own past.

There is a reason for the title, but I won't give it away as it is about the truth underlying the story-- a truth I want readers to find in the book rather than be told about beforehand. It is about how we make a difference in the lives of others-- something of much interest in the work of educators.

This story led to another, Second Chance, eight years later where two of the secondary characters from Moon Dust become the hero and heroine of their own story centered in the work of wildlife rehabilitation.

Moon Dust is a strong love story between two adults, with action, danger, an underlying reason for being, and oh yes, healthy sexuality. I've actually gotten a few reviews by those who would prefer no sex in their stories. I don't write sweet romances because I think writing about healthy, vibrant sexuality is important-- especially in a culture where so much of it is anything but healthy. 

While Moon Dust is still in Amazon Select, that may not be true for much longer either because as the heavy lifting work on our little ranch lets up, some of these contemporary romances will go to other ePublishers like Barnes and Noble and Kobo, which means they can no longer be in Select which requires the books to be exclusive to Amazon. I've taken 6 out and won't be putting new ones in there (and I still haven't decided whether to put the historical anywhere just yet).