Saturday, June 9, 2012

Republishing a book

As is obvious here, I have been ignoring blogs in favor of other projects and some real life issues. I am writing though, staying active in my mind even if words don't make it to the blog world.

One thing I think I have learned is that I can republish Golden Chains with a new title and not have to lose reviews or its history. Its Kindle number is what determines that and unless I deleted the book, it would remain. I will have to mention the prior title in the product description to be fair to previous readers and not have people mad at me.

A far better title came to me and with it a new cover. I created a trailer which I think is going to mostly stay as it is with a possible tweak of a photo or so. It will go up when the book does.

It has pulled me away from working on the rodeo story, but I want this one to be recreated in a way that is truer to what it is. That is one of the problems a writer has-- promoting a book in a way that reflects its energy accurately. It sounds easier than it is even when the writer is the one most familiar with the book.

When I decided to do a new cover and title, I also decided to expand the book's length and change some of the emphasis within it. I think it'll make a better story-- although this is more like adding highlights and accents than changing the basic plot.

Now in doing all of this, I will also do something I had said I wouldn't do again-- offer it free when it goes up. I feel that's only fair to previous purchasers (few though there were).

So when I get it done and republished, within a few days it'll get two free days, and I will definitely be mentioning that here. So far I feel good about it and the trailer that will go up at the same time. The editing is ongoing...